Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Oh, and we got a sprinkler during our excursion to Buy Buy Baby...this picture isn't the best, but needless to say...Fiona really really liked it.


kathleenea said...

I'm sure your Dad loved having her around plus she looks like a ball of fun & they say laughter is the best medicine! He is probably recovering much quicker than expected :-)

Love the b-day hat and corn on the cob pic, but the best is the story about her blowing you a kiss & heading on her way. . .loved it!!

She gets more beautiful every time I see a new pic & can't wait to meet her in person!

Much love,

Steve Whelan said...

So time with Fiona was lots of fun. If I felt I could easily raise myself from the floor, I would have spent more time rolling around.
Given the alternative of having someone take your Mom's attention from me, I am happy to have as many guests as possible.
Fiona seemed to be patient this time; not pushing the boat deal too heavy given my current disposition. But I can tell she is not without worry that the summer may run out before she anchors off Ft. Adams for the Festivals.
The doc says I should be ready by then and he pulled out the ten staples that appear to have bee containing me for the part few days. I'm all set to start my walking routine with Mr O'Brien. We're both survivors but he still has chemo keeping him weighed down. As soon as I get some good news from the Pope and the Prez filling his ears, he'll probbaly lift right up. Either that or he's about to end the friendship before I get another word out. I love a challenge.
Show Fiona boat pictures and let her hear a little Judy Collins, Joan Baez, Tift Merritt and Neko Case. The are all getting ready for her first NPT show.